A new foundation

It can be so confusing when we think we have it all figured out and then our plans crumble. This is what the Mambure’s recently endured with the last school property they worked hard to obtain and develop. So much hard work went into the previously mentioned school location (Royal Creek), yet due to significant rent increase COA had to walk away and wait to see what God was going to do. Here we are about six months later with an update!

Davis and Lucia own a small property in Budiriro which they believe can be used to serve as a starting point for the learning center. COA is investing what they have in making faithful steps toward fixing up the property. Right now they are digging a broader foundation around the home with hopes of continued growth.

Together, let’s have faith that this small and dusty snapshot will complete it’s transformation into barren land!

Join us in our mission to support over 500 families in Zimbabwe by donating to COA, fueling our work to foster a world where all differently abled children and their caregivers receive love, food, education, and the dignity they deserve.


Lucia Clips


On the Cutting Edge With the Mambures