Introducing our Journey as Missionaries

More often than not people ask us , “Can you please introduce yourselves and what you do?” Quite often we have to let people into our shoes to understand fully what we do in a concise statement. The best way to answer who Lucia and Davis Mambure are is to defer saying, “We are Tapona’s parents, working with other parents who have children, like ours, with physical and mental challenges in Zimbabwe. We have been called by God to serve as missionaries with Campus Crusade for Christ; now know as CRU.

As Tapona’s Parents:

We were led by God in 2008 to set up a foundation called Chenga Ose Association for women with physically and mentally challenged children. COA; as normally called, grew from 101 members in 2008 to nearly 600 caregivers in 2020. God showed us the need to work with caregivers, particularly women, so that we can work together in support groups with the caregivers to offer each other emotional, spiritual and social support necessary to offer the best care and supports for our children. Through these sup- port groups, we have man- aged to train our members to love on their children; letting their children go out of the closet to go out and play with others. We have also found better ways to raise support and to feed their families.

Some of the initiatives came out of necessity through the result of our intervention. This included farming pro- jects, provision for sanitary pads and food distribution during COVID Lockdown.


From down South to the Oceanic Region of the Indian Ocean


Two gather