Chingwaru support group

This new group in Murehwa Zimbabwe has been growing rapidly. At the August meeting the Mambure’s realized that 19 new members joined and other stakeholders attended such as the Social Welfare Officer.

The participants expressed their joy at the coming of COA in their community. The Social Welfare Officer who is a representative of the government expressed their appreciation for COA’s initiative and concern for rural people. The program they said, helped them realize how many people with disabilities were in this particular community and also it is mobilizing people for collective advocacy and impact.

It’s amazing to see this community rising up and pursing the call to love ALL.

Join us in our mission to support over 500 families in Zimbabwe by donating to COA, fueling our work to foster a world where all differently abled children and their caregivers receive love, food, education, and the dignity they deserve.


Power of together


Critical conversations