Learning to work together

Our friends from Global BP Solutions joined the most recent Epworth support group meeting. The group opened with worship and devotions. Lucia gave a brief history of COA which started with the story of her eldest son. Three members also shared their testimonials of how being part of COA has encouraged and helped them in their daily lives.

Sam who serves as a Global Solutions pastor was asked to introduce his supervisor JW Oliver who is the founder of Global Solutions. Steve shared the vision of starting a company to provide employment for those in Zimbabwe. He expressed how blessed they all were to be there with everyone and to have the opportunity to learn and work with COA. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qwyu9nm2owirgpc/GSBP-Epworth.MP4?dl=0

Join us in our mission to support over 500 families in Zimbabwe by donating to COA, fueling our work to foster a world where all differently abled children and their caregivers receive love, food, education, and the dignity they deserve.


COA family Christmas


Power of together