Blast fast challenge

Join in the Blast Fast Challenge! What is it? It’s a challenge to sacrifice 1 weekly meal for entire family with critical food shortage! Here’s why… Because of COVID; families are suffering greater than ever before in local communities in Zimbabwe, Africa. Here’s our challenge… Give up just 1 meal a week for 1 month to provide for a family of 6 for an entire month! For what you may have spent; approx $40, you can partner with Chenga Ose Association Zimbabwe (COA) to serve 1 local family. You may never meet them; they may never be able to thank you. Just visit the donate page and when prompted by Paypal, write in memo: COA Blast Fast Challenge. Find out more about COA by spending time on this site and the family; Davis and Lucia Mambure. They have committed to serve 300 families with essential food supplies; that $12,000 before the end of the month. That means we need YOU to join us in this challenge TODAY but also SHARE this challenge with others. Please feel free to copy, paste and share this opportunity to love families in Zimbabwe!

You can also get involved by visiting this Blast Fast challenge on Facebook.

Come help us further; find out how here!

Join us in our mission to support over 500 families in Zimbabwe by donating to COA, fueling our work to foster a world where all differently abled children and their caregivers receive love, food, education, and the dignity they deserve.


Family Support Doubled


With 322 families