On the Cutting Edge With the Mambures
Davis & Lucia Mambure are missionaries in Zimbabwe with Cru (Cru.org), also pioneered Chenga Ose Association for women with physically and mentally challenged children.
Dear Ministry Partner!
Greetings from Zimbabwe!
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy”
We count it joy to serve God in these perilous times that the Bible speaks of:
Our joy comes from a heart of gratitude that God trusted us to be co-labourers with him in these times. Isn't it amazing? We see this almost every day in the mission field and we are sure you can identify with our experience where you live. This calls for more intentionality, tact and commitment to reach to our generation.
Family Update
The month of February is a special month for Lucia and I. While others celebrate Valentine, we celebrate our marriage anniversary on the twelfth! and the mood spills over into Valentine's Day and throughout the month! Over the last 23 years, the Lord has blessed us with these 4 boys. Davis Jnr turned 7 on the 30th of January and couldn' ’ show you his teeth on that pic because this is that stage in life when people lose their precious front teeth, so he was "messed up."
Tapona is having frequent seizures despite taking his medicine which is also a bit on the high of costs due to the frequency and so we are planning to visit one Dr Powell, who has helped a lot in his life as his medical Doctor since he was a child. We hope his advice on what needs to be done will help manage the condition. We covet your prayers in this area because sometimes it hits him so hard that we are careful not to leave him home alone.
Nathaniel is getting ready to sit for his final high school examinations in October. Pray for him to focus more on his studies and to locate a good University where he can fulfill his desires to study medicine and become a paediatrician. Living with his brother for all his life and assisting us to help children and persons with disabilities, he observed that most conditions can be dealt with at infancy and with more child doctors in Africa, the number of persons becoming disabled at childhood can be reduced. University education is expensive especially for children of missionaries. Pray with us therefore for an opening of a good university (not in China unless it is in the divine will of God) and for scholarship or God sent supporters.
Home Update
Since the fire outbreak last year in August, all things necessary were fixed and we thank God for using you to help us do this. What remains unfixed are the walls that are still black with smoke and awaiting replastering and painting. The College authorities are taking their time to get this done and so we move on. We plan to get an experienced painter to work on the walls and the curtain rails and then we can put curtains on windows.
Church Growth Conference in Mudzi District
Some of these leaders crossed Nyamapanda border-post which borders Zimbabwe and Mozambique on the western side. Our mission-field stretches to Mozambique on the eastern side, Zambia on the Western Side, where we have also planted churches, Botswana and South Africa on the Southern side.
Over the past few weeks we were able to:
Train 300 Pastors and lay leaders on evangelism through ignite course which basically teaches how to evangelise using personal testimony
Distribute 1050 pieces of gospel literature including 300 study Bibles, Quick Easy to Read Bibles, discipleship training materials and Christian magazines.
Further train and equip 30 Cru members of staff under Global Church Movements (globalchurchmovemnts.org)
Ministry to Care-Givers and persons with Disabilities
Posing for a group photo after meeting COA Champions is, Henry, the volunteer (seated left), followed by Lucia then a COA champion and Davis on the right
We were able to identify a volunteer to champion focused programming for priority areas in COA working areas and in support groups.
Please pray for us to raise a monthly stipend for him to stay and grow the teenage and young adults ministry and also to conduct home based care for persons with chronic conditions.
Motor Vehicle Fundraiser Launched
Kimberly Amos, successfully launched the campaign for replacing our vehicle. We pray that this will be a success for all of us as we together share with our families and friends to jump in and participate in the campaign. Thank you for taking this up and praying together with us. Here is a link from Dave's facebook post that will take you to the Go fundme story and give a link which you can share with others.