The seed in her Heart

COA began through the joy and suffering of a mother’s heart. From birth, Lucia Mambure loved and embraced her first child who has cerebral palsy. In midst of this love Lucia experienced deep emotional pain as she watched her son struggle to walk, talk and feed himself.

In an effort to seek assistance for her son’s education, Lucia embarked on a long journey which led her to government offices, schools psychological services and even to the Minister of Gender in Zimbabwe. What she found was that there were no schools that support children with developmental disabilities in Zimbabwe. Lucia was advised to find out if there were any other women suffering from the same predicament. Her findings were appalling as she discovered that many women were ostracized and stigmatized in the society and consequently resorted to hiding their children with disabilities in homes. This new found awareness compelled her to mobilize women experiencing the same emotional pain she was so familiar with. Soon after support groups were formed in communities of Harare and Chenga Ose Association took root.

Join us in our mission to support over 500 families in Zimbabwe by donating to COA, fueling our work to foster a world where all differently abled children and their caregivers receive love, food, education, and the dignity they deserve.


Lettuce begin


School launch